Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
, will be organized around the theme “”
is comprised of 25 tracks and 294 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in .
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Chronic diseases are long-lasting diseases that are not contagious and preventable. Hunger and malnutrition are the most traumatic problems faced by the poorest countries, often leading to physical or mental disorder or even death. Malnutrition leads to the chronic conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and cancer.
- Track 1-1Prevention
- Track 1-2Junk food diseases
- Track 1-3Wait gain due to Chronicity
- Track 1-4Chronic disease Management
- Track 1-5Combating Heart disease
- Track 1-6Diabetes of Unhealthy food
- Track 1-7Food Borne Diseases
There is adequate number of research in nourishment designing strategies that is being created, for example, Development in Osmotic Dehydration, Athermal Membrane Processes for the Concentration of Liquid Foods and Natural Colors, High Intensity Pulsed Light Technology, Non-warm Processing by Radio Frequency Electric Fields, Application of Ultrasound, Irradiation of Foods, GMO'S, 3D imprinting in sustenance, robots in
- Track 2-1Nutritional Security
- Track 2-2Government regulations for GM food
- Track 2-3Risk and safety issues with GM food
- Track 2-4Detection of GM food
- Track 2-5Food Safety for nutritional and health growth
- Track 2-6Viticulture
- Track 2-7Nutritional Requirements
- Track 2-8Nutritional risk
- Track 2-9Nutritional Screening
- Track 2-10Nutritional Science
- Track 2-11Nutritional Informatics
- Track 2-12Nutritional Supplements
- Track 2-13Oenology
- Track 2-14Organic Food
- Track 2-15Orthomolecular medicine
- Track 2-16Osteoarthritis
- Track 2-17Osteoporosis
- Track 2-18Parenteral Nutrition
- Track 2-19Synthetic Nutrition
Proteins are probably the most sufficient characteristic particles in living structures and are way more different in frame and capacity than other full scale atoms. A solitary cell can envelop several proteins, each with an absolutely particular capacity. Despite the fact that their structures, similar to their highlights, assortment impressively, all proteins are comprised of at least 1 chains of amino acids. Proteins are massive biomolecules, or macromolecules, which incorporate at least one long chain of amino corrosive buildups. Proteins play out an immense cluster of capacities inside living beings, together with catalyzing metabolic responses, DNA replication, reacting to boosts, and transporting atoms from one range to an additional.
- Track 3-1Enzymes in poultry nutrition
- Track 3-2Protein mechanism in human
- Track 3-3Whey protein
- Track 3-4Iodine deficiency disorders
- Track 3-5Protein nutrition
- Track 3-6Antioxidative stress
- Track 3-7Research in protein nutrition
- Track 3-8Genetics & Evolution
- Track 3-9Molecular & Cell Biology
- Track 3-10Protein Function
- Track 3-11Protein Mechanisms
- Track 3-12Protein Regulation
- Track 3-13Protein Structure
Nutritional therapy is utilized to enable cancer patients to get the supplements they have to keep up their body weight and quality, keep body tissue solid, and battle contamination. Dietary patterns that are useful for tumor patients can be altogether different from the typical adhering to a good diet rules.
Adhering to a good diet propensities and great nourishment can enable patients to manage the impacts of disease and its treatment. Some tumor medications work better when the patient is very much sustained and gets enough calories and protein in the eating routine. Patients who are very much fed may have a superior visualization (shot of recuperation) and personal satisfaction.
- Track 4-1Some supplements and helpful foods
- Track 4-2Combinatorial therapy
- Track 4-3Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention
- Track 4-4Lyocopene, Genistein and Curcumin
- Track 4-5Resveratrol, Quercetin and Catechins
- Track 4-6Vitamin C and E as Nutraceuticals
- Track 4-7Dietary Fiber and Phytoestrogens
- Track 4-8Phenolic Acids and Phytochemicals
- Track 4-9Dietetics During Cancer treatment
- Track 4-10Managing eating problems caused by surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy
- Track 4-11Nutrition therapy for Cancer patient
- Track 4-12Nutrition and nonmelanoma skin cancers
- Track 4-13Suggestions for handling treatment side effects
- Track 4-14Nutrition during treatment
- Track 4-15Fish Omega 3 Fatty Acids- EPA and DHA
- Track 4-16Nutrition and chemotherapy and immunotherapy
- Track 4-17Drugs dealing with Cancer cure
- Track 4-18Nutrition and breast cancer
- Track 4-19Nutrition Therapy and benefits
- Track 4-20Nutrition Care of the Cancer Patient
- Track 4-21Advances in Ovarian Cancer Research
- Track 4-22Nutrition in cancer care
- Track 4-23Childhood Cancer
- Track 4-24Dietary Patterns for cancer health
- Track 4-25Sterols, Stanols, Phenols & Flavones
- Track 4-26Phytochemicals and Polyphenols
- Track 4-27Whole grains, Nuts and Legumes
- Track 4-28Fruit and Vegetables, Soy Proteins
The drug prepared and processed with the aid of naturally occurring Nutrient for the medication of the disease is called as Nutraceuticals. The pharmaceutical is an industry where the drug is prepared, processed, and marketed under the certification of pharmacologist. The drug containing Nutrition do not have any side effects on the human body, until the patient is allergenic to some of the food.
- Track 5-1Slimming diets
- Track 5-2Soluble Dietary Fibers
- Track 5-3Capsaicins and Catechins
- Track 5-4Thermogenic Ingredients
- Track 5-5Absorption Blockers
- Track 5-6Herbal weight loss
- Track 5-7Marine bioactives and supplements
- Track 5-8Probiotic Supplementation
- Track 5-9Liquid proteins for health tonics
- Track 5-10Poultry and animal nutrition products
- Track 5-11Protein base for cosmetic products
- Track 5-12Bioactive Nutraceuticals
- Track 5-13Baby foods or cereal mixes
- Track 5-14Protein food supplements
- Track 5-15Protein powders
- Track 5-16Skin penetration and oral absorption
- Track 5-17Prevention of chronic inflammation
- Track 5-18Regulation of stem cell function
- Track 5-19Tissue regeneration and disease prevention
- Track 5-20Pharmaconutrition
- Track 5-21Diet & Cognition
The research study of nutrition and diet with regards to enhance one’s athletic performances. Maintenance of a good health is most important for all sports training regimens, being popular in strength sports (weight lifting and bodybuilding) and continuance sports (swimming, cycling, running, rowing). It can be achieved only by consuming the supplements which enhances the energy, recovers and stabilizes.
- Track 6-1Healthcare Nutrition for Athletes
- Track 6-2Weight Loss Aids
- Track 6-3Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health
- Track 6-4Activity and Personal Health Assessment
- Track 6-5Mental and Cognitive Health
- Track 6-6Activity Improves Cognitive HealthÂ
- Track 6-7Activity Reduces Anxiety and Depression
- Track 6-8Energy Supplements
- Track 6-9Factors influencing Nutritional Requirements
- Track 6-10Recovery Nutrition
Nutrigenomics is a study of the effects of food and food constituents on gene messenger. Primarily it focuses on the identification and understanding molecular-level interactions between nutrients and other bioactive with genome. The scientific study of relationships between human genome, nutrition and health is called as Nutritional Genomics. Nutrigenomics is branched under the scientific study of Nutritional Genomics.
- Track 7-1Nutritional Genomics
- Track 7-2Nutritional Epigenetics
- Track 7-3Genome Damage and Nutritional Deficiency
- Track 7-4Nutrigenetic
- Track 7-5Obesity
- Track 7-6Anti-aging
- Track 7-7Cancer
- Track 7-8Telomere and Nutritional Status
Public Health Nutrition is a branch of Nutrition Sciences emphasizing the application of food and research to improve the health of populations. It primarily focuses to protect and improve the health of the public. The main aim is to make resources available to the public which are not offered by the health-care system. It also takes the opportunity in educating the pregnancy women about proper consumption of food for baby and mom. Public Health Nutrition is now recognized by the local, state and federal services. Campaigns including safe drinking water, healthy eating and food safety were organized by the Public Health Nutrition.
- Track 8-1Effect of social and behavioural factors on nutrition
- Track 8-2Eco-friendly Soy Nutrition for World Health Development
- Track 8-3Micronutrient Interventions to promote Nutritional Health
- Track 8-4Agro-Nutritional Approach for Global Health
- Track 8-5Calcium and Vitamin D nutrition and bone disease of elderly
- Track 8-6Public health nutrition and food policy
- Track 8-7Nutrition transition and its health implications
- Track 8-8Nutrition quality on consumer health
- Track 8-9Nutritional awareness and counselling programs
- Track 8-10Health policies and implementation
- Track 8-11Parallel food and nutrition science
- Track 8-12Community Nutrition
- Track 8-13Energy balance and weight management
- Track 8-14Healthy Life style promotion
- Track 8-15Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic products
A balanced diet is a cornerstone of health; women should enjoy having various kinds of foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, low-fat dairy and lean protein, Residing these women should also have special nutrients such as Iron, Calcium, Folic Acid food, vitamin D, Fiber, Omega fatty acids during each stage of her life to maintain a good health. Calcium & Iron diet plays an important role during the pregnancy period of women.
- Track 9-1Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Track 9-2Prenatal nutrition
- Track 9-3Smoking and pregnancy
- Track 9-4Nutrition from Breastfeeding
- Track 9-5Pregnancy Nutrition
- Track 9-6Menstrual Nutrition
- Track 9-7Nutrient deficiency of Calcium & Iron
- Track 9-8Pre-pregnancy nutrition
- Track 9-9Nutrition during pregnancy
- Track 9-10Nutrition after pregnancy
- Track 9-11Future direction for research
- Track 9-12Novel research in prenatal nutrition
Nutrition provided under the guidance of a medical profession in the health care sectors is known as clinical nutrition. The Clinical Nutrition charts the diet to the patient for the supervision of the diseases. It maintains a healthy balance in patients for a faster recovery providing all the necessary nutrients to the patient.
- Track 10-1Nutritional assessment
- Track 10-2Enteral or parenteral route - Strategy
- Track 10-3Parenteral nutrition
- Track 10-4Considerations during intensive care
- Track 10-5kidney failure, liver failure
- Track 10-6Complications - trouble shooting and Follow-up
- Track 10-7The NuTRIflex® Syste
- Track 10-8Farm environment
- Track 10-9Public health and Consumer Protection
Dietetics is a study of science of how food and nutrition affects human health. The food what we eat has a significant impact on our health, maintaining the balancing diet helps in controlling or preventing many health problems, including obesity, diabetes and certain risk factors for cancer and heart diseases.
- Track 11-1Nutritional Requirements
- Track 11-2Daily Caloric Needs
- Track 11-3Augumentation of performance capacity with low glycogen stores
- Track 11-4Dietary Fats
- Track 11-5Diet in women
- Track 11-6Dietary Ingredients
- Track 11-7Dietary Management
Nutritional science is a combined study of food components, effects of food on humans, food metabolism, health performance and disease resistances of a human or an animal. The study of food choices can also be categorized under the Nutritional Sciences. Nutritional Sciences mainly focuses on the physiological and biological aspects of food and nutrition. It provides the information about diet charts for all the specified diseases.
- Track 12-1Dietetics
- Track 12-2Food Sciences
- Track 12-3Nutritional labeling
- Track 12-4Effects of food on Metabolism
- Track 12-5Nutritional Physiology
- Track 12-6Biological aspects of Food
- Track 12-7Avitaminosis
- Track 12-8Prevention over chronic disorders
- Track 12-9Dietary Guidelines
The foods that is formulated and intended for a diet management of a disease that has unique nutritional needs that cannot be met by a normal diet chart are considered as medical food. The food which has an ability to cure the disease or control the cause of a disease is known as medicinal food. Tulsi, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, manuka honey are considered to be the top medicinal food curing and controlling the chronic diseases from time.
- Track 13-1Probiotic Food
- Track 13-2Bioactive Neutraceuticals
- Track 13-3Therapeutic Nutrition
- Track 13-4Ortho Molecular Medicine
- Track 13-5Organic Herbs
- Track 13-6Macrobiotic Diet
Food Science is a combined derivative of Food Chemistry, Technology, Nutrition, Microbiology and Engineering to give one the scientific knowledge to solve the associated problems related to Food products. Wherein, the Food Chemistry is a branch of Food Sciences which studies the chemical process, interactions of biological and non-biological food, fermentation procedure and dehydration. It include compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and fats with the combination of water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives to control the food being contaminated and toxified.
- Track 14-1Alimentary mycotoxicoses
- Track 14-2Dehydration
- Track 14-3Efficient brewing and beverage production
- Track 14-4Antiquity of Food and beverages
- Track 14-5Dietary culture
- Track 14-6Mechanism of Poisoning
- Track 14-7Unpasteurized juices and milk
- Track 14-8Raw and Rare meat
- Track 14-9Food Hygiene
- Track 14-10Food Traceability
- Track 14-11Fermentation and enzyme technology
- Track 14-12Ptomaine poisoning
- Track 14-13Domestic Food Storage
- Track 14-14Food preservation
- Track 14-15Freezers and thawing food
- Track 14-16Food rotation
- Track 14-17Food fortification
- Track 14-18Commercial food logistics
- Track 14-19New Product Development
- Track 14-20Food policy & applied nutrition
- Track 14-21Foodomics
- Track 14-22Food Proteins
- Track 14-23Food Supplements
- Track 14-24Food Processing
- Track 14-25Food Pathogen
- Track 14-26Food Microbiology
- Track 14-27Food Storage
- Track 14-28Food Nanotechnology
- Track 14-29Aromatic foods
- Track 14-30Geneticaly Modified Foods
- Track 14-31Food Poisoning
- Track 14-32Food Systems
- Track 14-33Fermented Foods
- Track 14-34Food Biotechnology
- Track 14-35Food Fortification
- Track 14-36Food Biochemistry
- Track 14-37Food Bioactivity
- Track 14-38Food Enzymes
- Track 14-39Thermal and non-thermal processing
- Track 14-40Titration and Concentration Technologies
Mental disability or uncontrolled consumption of the food affecting the human physical health is studied under Food Disorders. This also includes binge eating disorder where person eat a large amount in short period of time. Any disorder or illness caused by the consumption of nutritional diet is considered as Nutritional Disorder. This may lead to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and diabetes mellitus.
- Track 15-1Food allergy
- Track 15-2Food Intolerance
- Track 15-3Acute response
- Track 15-4Late-phase response
- Track 15-5Preventions
- Track 15-6Vitamin and mineral deficiency disorders
- Track 15-7Other inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
- Track 15-8Malnutrition and associated disorders
- Track 15-9Lifestyle related disorders
- Track 15-10Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Dairy foods are which extracted from or containing milk of mammals, cows, buffaloes, goat, sheep, camels and humans. This also includes yogurt, cheese and butter. As the dairy products are rich in nutrition their commercial value is high and has a greater demand in the future. Most of the dairy products are used in the preparation of commercial foods such as sweets.
- Track 16-1Dairy Technology
- Track 16-2Dairy farming
- Track 16-3Milk: A raw material or Food
- Track 16-4Associated Diseases
- Track 16-5Processing of Dairy products
- Track 16-6Dairy industry as a carrier alternative
A process of covering or protecting the food from contaminating for much longer days is known as Food Packing. Food Grading includes those inspection, appraisal Furthermore foray about Different nourishments in regards to quality, freshness, lawful congruity. Food Grading provides a Market value to the products on the quality basis.
- Track 17-1Aseptic Processing; Flexible Packing
- Track 17-2Recycling & Rinsing
- Track 17-3Food Contamination
- Track 17-4Active packaging
- Track 17-5Beer measurement
- Track 17-6Sustenance grading
- Track 17-7Additives and Preservatives
The food which is uneaten or thrown is known as the global loss or the Food Waste. The Food waste is occurred in the process of Production, manufacturing and retailing. By the survey it states that one third or the one half the all the food is wasted. At the consumption stage a person wastes 220 lb (Approximately 100 kilograms) per year.
- Track 18-1Food Processing
- Track 18-2Reduction and Disposal
- Track 18-3Composting
- Track 18-4Anaerobic digestion
- Track 18-5Management of Food Waste
- Track 18-6Waste hierarchy
Food security is one of main issues that the world is facing. Food is the prime need of all the living organisms. Food security is the condition when entire human community will have access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food. Farming is the process of harvesting the food and it is the agricultural occupation through which worlds hunger is fulfilled. Farming machineries are the machines, equipment’s which help to practice farming in an easy and effective ways.
- Track 19-1Global Food Security
- Track 19-2Food Preservation
- Track 19-3Plants and animals for food
- Track 19-4Traditional v/s advanced farming
- Track 19-5Green farming
- Track 19-6Operation, care and repair of farm machinery
- Track 19-7Machinery components of food processing industry
- Track 19-8Risks to Food Security
- Track 19-9Extensive-scale food accumulating
- Track 19-10Security Development
- Track 19-11Global Security Food Systems
- Track 19-12Security and Community Development
The way of handling, preparation, and storage of food done in a diplomatic way without leading to the foodborne illness is called Food Safety. The food characterized on the acceptability by the costumers is known as Food Quality. The administration of the Food production, processing, storing and marketing under the area of public policy is the Food Policy.
- Track 20-1Geo-spatial applications for food and agriculture
- Track 20-2Food Hazards
- Track 20-3Verification and Validations
- Track 20-4Quality management systems
- Track 20-5Food quality & preferences
- Track 20-6Agriculture intensification
- Track 20-7Land degradation
- Track 20-8Enhancing policy instrument for environment quality
- Track 20-9Restoration of wetland ecosystems
- Track 20-10Food Toxicology
- Track 20-11Effects of climatic changes
- Track 20-12Impacts of soil carbon sequestration
- Track 20-13Food Hygiene
- Track 20-14Impacts of soil carbon sequestration
- Track 20-15Food safety Risk assessment and management
- Track 20-16Microbiology Spoilage prevention and control
- Track 20-17Antioxidants
Microorganisms on consumption provides better health and benefits, these kinds of organisms are called as a Probiotics. These organisms are made alive only after the consumption of them by the human body. Functional foods have a greater ability over the nutrition providing a sustained potential health to the humans. The best example of a functional food is oats containing soluble fiber that can help in reducing the cholesterol levels.
- Track 21-1Baby Foods
- Track 21-2Food Preference
- Track 21-3Baby food types
- Track 21-4Process Industry and baby food
- Track 21-5Historical and cultural evolution of baby food items
- Track 21-6Need and choice of Toddler
Food is also considered as a curative element in one’s human life. Nutritional therapy is a way to approach the medical conditions by a charted diet monitored under the supervision of a Doctor, consultant or a registered dietitian. Compounds extracted from the plants of Tulsi, Turmeric, Rosemary are used in the Nutritional Therapy.
- Track 22-1Food Allergies
- Track 22-2Clinical Nutrition
- Track 22-3Medical Nutrtion Therapy
- Track 22-4Life changing tools
- Track 22-5Foods for different medical condition
- Track 22-6Labeling of Medical Food
- Track 22-7Medical Safety: Emergency Food
Food is an essential element in one’s life to be alive. Similarly, Nutrients are important in one’s life to survive and grow better. Macronutrients are the ones responsible in providing bulk energy where in Micronutrients are the ones responsible in carrying out the metabolism activities of the human body. These are available in the form of Food stuffs in our environment.
- Track 23-1Food Nutrification
- Track 23-2Food Control
- Track 23-3Food policy & applied nutrition
- Track 23-4Agri-food Technology
- Track 23-5Malnutrition
- Track 23-6Food Sciences & Technology
- Track 23-7Hyponatremia
- Track 23-8Antinutrient
Food Engineering is a branch of Food Sciences which deals with the microbiology, applied physical sciences, chemistry for food and related industries. The development of the new product, modern technologies in the preservation of the food and maintenance of the food has been derived from the Food Engineering and Sciences. It provides a valuable platform for the Food Engineers to establish their views on crop development.
- Track 24-1Food Management
- Track 24-2Food and Bioprocess Technology
- Track 24-3Food Physical Chemistry
- Track 24-4Food Engineering
- Track 24-5Food Preservations
Food the most needed element in one’s life to be alive. The stuff we get from plants, animals, glucose, milk, vegetables, proteins so on are just the food we intake. The technology is the science which aids in the preparations of the food with all the stuff we get. The technology even aids in the preservation and storage processes. Modern food technology has emerged in such a way that has decreased the human work pressure. The modulations in the genomics of the food, applications of the nano technology for a greater production have been some valuable food technologies.
- Track 25-1Gene technology and GM food crop
- Track 25-2Food engineering
- Track 25-3Application of nano technology
- Track 25-4Instruments in food production
- Track 25-5Kitchen science
- Track 25-6Computers and food Science