Call for Abstract

35th International Conference on Food Science and Technology, will be organized around the theme “Foreground for Advanced Researches in Food Science & Technology”

FOOD SCIENCE 2023 is comprised of 25 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in FOOD SCIENCE 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A growing consumer knowledge of the medicinal benefits of foods and their wholesome advantages for probable illness avoidance and enhancement is propelling the global functional nourishment and Nutraceutical market. Practical foods are regenerative foods that provide medical advantages as well as vigour and essential nutrients. Several research, including a few European Commission (EC)-funded programmes, have resulted in a greater knowledge of the potential tools of naturally complex segments in diet that might enhance our total prosperity while enhancing our health and lowering the risk of sickness. Practical foods and nutraceuticals improve health, cut social insurance costs, and help rural areas thrive economically.

Agricultural research is a wide multidisciplinary area of biology that incorporates the sections of exact, environmental, economic, and social sciences that are used in agricultural practise and understanding. How to grow crops efficiently and profitably while conserving natural resources and preserving the environment is referred to as agronomy. Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural Engineering, Farm Management, Agricultural Economics, Organic Farming, Plant Protection, Agricultural Economic Entomology, Traditional Agriculture, Agricultural Waste, Precision Agriculture, and other topics are covered.

Food processing is a complex industry. It include sorting food or raw materials from the farm, as well as maintaining machines and various sorts of equipment. Finally, when the completed product is ready to ship, people inspect it to determine whether or not it is ready to send. This procedure, however, is mechanised by Artificial Intelligence in many food processing facilities.

Food and beverage technology is the application of food science to the selection, preservation, manufacture, packaging, distribution, and usage of nutritious food and drinks. Food and beverage technology is a sequence of procedures that begin with food science and go to product production, quality assurance and quality control, and food regulation. Food and beverage technology is the study, inspection, and collecting of information about foods and its constituents.

Food contains trace levels of extra nutritious elements known as "bioactive substances." They are being intensively researched to see how they affect people's health. Many epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that plant-based diets are protective against CVD and cancer, sparking this research investigation. Several bioactive chemicals have been discovered. These compounds' chemical structures and functions differ widely, and they are classified appropriately. Flavonoids, a kind of phenolic chemical present in all plants, have been researched extensively in grains, legumes, nuts, olive oil, tomatoes, fruits, tea, and red wine.

The interactions and chemical processes that occur between the biological and non-biological components of food are referred to as food chemistry. Biological components include meat, chicken, beer, and milk. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are all covered in biochemistry. Understanding the basic changes in composition and physical state of foodstuffs that may occur during and after industrial production is a distinct step in food technology. Food chemists contribute to our understanding of nutrition and health in a variety of ways.

Food security refers to all persons having physical, social, and economic access to enough, secure, and nutritious food that matches their food choices and dietary needs in order to live an active and healthy life at all times. The worldwide society faces significant hurdles as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the initial focus was mostly on health concerns, it has become evident that this crisis would have far-reaching consequences in other aspects of society. The resilience and inefficiency of global, regional, and local food systems may become another key consequence of the

Nutrition Science is concerned with new or unique raw materials, as well as bioactive substances, fixes, and inventions; atomic, small-scale, and macro-structure nutritional breakthroughs. Building, rapid solutions for online control, and combining sophisticated biotechnological and pharmacological research Some of the themes addressed by and Nano scientific breakthroughs and applications in nutrition include quality assurance methods and technology implementation, risk evaluation of both natural and non-biological hazards in nourishment, nourishment hypersensitivities and durability. Nutrition work, correlations between eating less and sickness, and client demeanours in regard to food and risk assessment are all current patterns.

The dairy business is one of the major components of the food supply chain, and its success is dependent on a unique blend of art and science, with the balance varying depending on the product. This seminar discusses the most recent advancements in dairy technology as well as the issues it confronts.

Food is the most vital aspect of one's life in order to survive. Plants, poultry, glucose, milk, fruits, proteins, and other foods are only a few examples of what we eat. Technology is an area of science that aids in the production of food by utilizing all of the resources at our disposal. Technology also aids the preservation and storage procedures. Human labour pressure has been reduced as a result of the advancement of contemporary food technology. Several beneficial food technologies include improvements in food genomics and nanotechnology applications for increased production.

The study of microbes that dwell in, produce or infect food is known as food microbiology. This entails looking into microbes that cause food deterioration. However, "good" bacteria, such as probiotics, are becoming more essential in food science. Microorganisms are also required for the manufacture of foods such as cheese, yogurt, and other fermented foods, as well as bread, beer, and wine. Food enzymology covers basic and practical areas of enzymology that are important to food systems. The course covers enzymatic activity calculation techniques, enzyme extraction from the microbial, plant, and animal systems, and enzyme purification and characterization procedures.

Food toxicology is becoming increasingly popular as the food supply chain grows more global in origin, and any contamination or poisonous manifestation can have substantial and far-reaching health repercussions. Food toxicology includes several areas of food safety and toxicology, such as the nature, qualities, effects, and detection of hazardous chemicals in food, as well as their disease manifestations in humans. Other areas of consumer product safety may also be included.

Nutrition is a basic human necessity as well as a health need. A good diet is vital for early development, growth, and an active lifestyle. Nutrition is the discipline of science that studies all of the numerous food composition characteristics and how they interact to create optimal sustenance. A group's average dietary need is influenced by parameters such as age, weight, height, gender, growth rate, and degree of exercise. Good nutrition is one of the cornerstones to living a healthy life. Eat a well-balanced diet to improve your nutrition. Foods high in vitamins and minerals should be consumed. There are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, and a protein source.

People are highly mindful of their dietary intake and the healthy components of a significant percentage of the food they consume; moreover, people are extremely conscious of their dietary consumption and the healthy components of a significant portion of the food they consume. Given the importance of health, the food and beverage industry is working hard to assure product quality and quantity. This course focuses on food supply chain hazards and controls, as well as GMP, GHP, and HACCP systems and the importance of audits.

Food adulteration is the purposeful lowering of the quality of food provided for sale, either by the addition of inferior components or the removal of a desirable ingredient. Food adulteration happens on a worldwide and varied scale, impacting nearly all food items. Adulteration is not simply a significant financial concern; it may also have substantial health consequences for users.

A food replacement, as the name indicates, is a nutritional supplement meant to replace one or more meals each day. Medically authorized substitutes provide all of the qualities that the body need to be healthy and sound.

In a world that desperately needs more sustainable agriculture, food security, and healthier diets, demand for legume crops is expanding. This progress is being fuelled by rising demand for plant protein, as well as more adaptive and ecologically sensitive agriculture practises. Legumes, which are plants that thrive with little nitrogen and in hard environments, provide food, feed, fibres, and even fuel.

Food chemistry studies how the content and structure of molecules in foods and food products change during preparation and storage. Thanks to breakthroughs in contemporary chemistry and biology, food chemistry has improved quickly in recent decades.

Microorganisms involved in food microbiology include bacteria, moulds, and yeasts. Bacteria are largely responsible for food poisoning and spoilage, which results in a range of human ailments. Bacteriocins are generated by probiotic bacteria and have the ability to kill and suppress infections. Purified bacteriocins, on the other hand, such as nosing, can be applied directly to food items for food protection.

Food nanotechnology is the application of nanotechnology to food or food packaging in order to extend shelf life or safeguard food, detect hazardous microorganisms, or generate stronger flavours. Nanotechnology has begun to uncover possible uses in the realm of functional food by modifying biological molecules for purposes different than those they have in nature, bringing up a whole new sector of manufacturing. When nanotechnology or its applications, such as a Nano machine, are employed in the creation, growing, processing, or packaging of food, Nano food is formed. It does not include atomically modified food or food manufactured by Nano machines.

Unsafe food is a worldwide health issue that endangers everyone; new-borns, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health issues are especially vulnerable. Every year, 220 million children suffer from diarrheic, with 96 000 dying as a result. Unsafe food creates a positive feedback cycle of diarrheic and malnutrition, putting the nutritional state of the most vulnerable at risk. People prefer to eat less nutritious diets and consume more "unsafe foods" where food security is an issue, which contain chemical, microbiological, and other risks that pose a health risk..

The term "food preservation" refers to a range of techniques used to protect food from rotting. Examples include canning, pickling, drying and freeze-drying, irradiation, pasteurization, smoking, and the use of chemical additives. Food security has become an increasingly significant aspect of the food industry as fewer people consume foods grown on their own land and customers expect to be able to buy and eat items that are out of season. Dairy items are now using advanced packaging technology to improve shelf life. Ryan Foods, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dean Foods that makes extended shelf life (ESL) fluid milk products, employed ESL production and packaging to push back its "best before" dates. In the manufacturing and packaging of ESL, ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization is employed.

To continue current high levels of economic development in LDCs and address chronic malnutrition, the agriculture sector will need to be overhauled. As cities expand, so do urban households' dietary requirements. The urban poor's status is insecure in the present atmosphere of variable food prices, financial, fuel, and economic issues. The urban poor will suffer the most since they live in the most susceptible sections of cities and lack the ability to adapt to climate-related consequences. Because of the complications of supporting the urban poor, local, state, and national governments, as well as foreign organizations, must respond quickly and appropriately

Food processing is the transformation of food products into usable forms. It can refer to the transformation of basic materials into food via a range of physical and chemical processes. This process encompasses a variety of actions such as mincing, cooking, canning, liquefaction, pickling, maceration, and emulsification. It also includes the process of increasing the value of products through methods such as primary and secondary processing, preservation, quality management, packaging, and labelling of a wide range of products such as dairy products, fish products, fruit and vegetable products, meat and poultry products, confectionery products, and food grains.

Consumer science is a social science that studies how individuals interact with their surroundings. Diet, ageing, housing, food safety, the environment, and parenting are some of the topics covered by the Food Consumer Sciences expert.

Consumer Food Science is the study of what influences our food choices and the acceptability of new food products based on biotechnological research and experimentation, as well as the improvement of advanced consumer behaviour in relation to an increase in synergies among food science consumer societal models and food agro-industry competitions. Nutrition Science, Food Marketing and Management, Food Production and Processing are a few examples.

Food Systems strategy to transforming the country's food ecology It involves both supply and demand side actions. On the supply side, it focuses on essential regulatory tasks to assure food quality and safety, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. It incorporates a tiered approach to increasing food safety and hygiene standards in food enterprises along the food value chain. This entails adopting typical regulation and enforcement procedures for major food businesses, such as testing and inspections, which would eventually lead to food firms self-compliance

Meat is the meat of a deceased animal that is cooked and eaten. Meat is a complete protein source that contains all of the amino acids found in the human body. The fat in meat, which varies greatly depending on species, quality, and cut, is an important source of energy and also influences the flavour, juiciness, and softness of the lean.

Poultry refers to any domesticated bird that is reared in captivity for commercial purposes. The term 'poultry' can apply to domestic birds such as chickens, turkeys, ghosts, and ducks that are kept for meat or eggs, and it has historically been used to refer to gallstones and aquatic birds.